Assignments from College
These were all group projects that I did at UC Merced, they aren't all necessarily on my own repository. Normal assignments are on Github because they could be copied from.
CSE 165 Intro to Object Oriented Programming
- Frooper
Project Description
A game that 3 others and I programmed for our class. We were supposed to demonstrate use of OOP in the form of a game. Frooper was our take on the popular game of Frogger, although we hit a few road bumps and couldn't get the game working as we wanted. We also didn't keep the same roles as planned, swapping them around.
Personal Role
- Textures - Moving Objects, Player, Pause Screens, Score. Drawn with MS Paint and Pyxel for transparency.
- Classes - Player class
- Implemented to Game - Pause function, Score keeping, Reset, MovingObjects, Player